About the room
Single room and a double room available. Single room is 180. Double room is 190 including utilities with fair use (water, power, WiFi). You must buy own food and personal items. Close to Sherwood park and 15 minute stroll to Browns bay village. We are in the Rangitoto College zone.
Rooms both have small built in wardrobes and are carpeted. The larger room has a queen bed, the single has no bed. Both have windows that face the road.
About the roomies
Family type situation. 3 people. Two 50 year old adults and one 17 year old. House is 4 bedrooms, 1 bathroom with 2 toilets, Average condition. I have autism and PTSD so you must be okay with not having visitors.
We did let the old boarder have visitors but it turned into a huge hassle - lots of people staying over and smoking inside common areas - just not appropriate.
No hard drugs or dramas please. Must pick up after yourself, keep room tidy. We have a cat, he is an extremely important member of the family and is elderly.
To move in and important things to know:
1 week in advance plus 2 weeks security.
Notice to move from either party is 2 weeks unless both parties agree before hand however this will be void where necessary or in emergency.
You must tidy up after yourself. If you damage anything, you must rectify the situation immediately.
No cooking when drunk or stupified. We allowed a previous boarder to do so and he went to sleep leaving pan on which set off fire alarm. He did this repeatedly. He was asked to leave ASAP.
No hoarding or using address for other people
No visitors.