About the room
I have a room available in my home in central P.N. The accommodation is close to Princess Street (UCOL) & P.N. Hospital. It is in a warm 2 bedroom townhouse, fully double glazed windows & has a security alarm system. The house is fully furnished. The available room is furnished with a double bed (Linen & duvets are your responsibility), dressing table, small set draws & built in wardrobe. Bedroom size: 3 metres x 2.9 metres. Looking for a female full time worker or a student who is clean and tidy. No couples; no smoking or vaping; no pets. Not a party house. You would be sharing the home with the female property owner. Internet access, power & gas costs shared. You supply & cook your own food. Parking is on street. Weekly rate $215 paid 1 week in advance plus ½ share of the monthly power & internet costs. Security deposit is 3 weeks rent.
About the roomies
Looking for a female full time worker or a student who is clean and tidy. Not a party house. You would be sharing the unit with the female property owner.