Krisha & Isra

Females · 18 & 19 years · Kitchen Hand

Free to message

Looking in: Wellington.

$300 per week
Accommodation for
As a group of friends
Ready to move


My name is Krisha and I’m currently 19 years old while my friend, Isra, is 18 years old. We will be both attending Victoria University this coming academic year. We’re both Filipino but have been living in Wanganui for the past few years.

We’re responsible and tidy since we grew up with a strict family so we learnt how to be independent and manage household chores. We also have experience with managing our own finances as we pay for our own necessities at home.

We mostly keep to ourselves and enjoy a quiet night as we are both academically focused. However we do enjoy some movie nights with friends. We’re both non-smokers but do enjoy a few drinks occasionally.

Right now, we’re both working as Kitchen Hands. I work at a rest home while she works at a sushi shop. However once we move to Wellington we’ll be looking for a part-time job.

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